Wednesday, November 10, 2010

516: Gaara's Speech

516: Gaara's Speech (Gaara's pic in the front page)
Konoha's Byakugan intercepts the huge army. (An) Edo-tensei corpse came out from Madara's hideout. (???)
Anko: Return to the main squad and report this, quickly! I'll stay here and investigate the hideout further.
Byakugan guy: It's too dangerous for you alone!
Anko: Shaddap and just go!

Edo-tensei corpse apparently having conversation
Haku: Zabuza-san...
Zabuza: Yeah, I know. This is not the netherworld.
Haku: I have full consciousness... But my body is moving on its own...
(Probably a Kumogakure nin): This is Edo-Tensei (how famous does this supposedly forbidden jutsu get!?) Seems like we are summoned by someone, which means we'll have to fight soon.
Zabuza: Being used even in death... I hate this guy.

Switches to Madara and Kabuto
Kabuto told someone (not made clear) to launch surprise attack from air. Sasori and Deidara would provide traps and bombs respectively.
A Kiri-nin (can't read the name's Kanji... Chuukichi?) and Ne (Root?) from Konoha would provide detection and support.
Konoha's Ne wondered what was happening. The Kiri-nin tried to threaten Akatsuki but got subdued when Kabuto formed some seal.
Sasori: To be used by this brat... Akatsuki sure has fallen. What's more, the only survivors are Zetsu and my substitute Tobi?
Deidara: As someone who died while bragging eternity as an art, you shouldn't say conceited things like that, Danna. un.
Sasori: Want me to kill you!?
Deidara: We're both dead, Danna. un.
Madara: Is it really OK with this?
Kabuto: It's quite tough to control so many Edo-corpses at once. But I'll only control them for the movement phase. In battle, I'll kill their personality and make them fighting dolls. You don't need to worry... ...Although, sometimes leaving their personality intact would strike a blow to the enemy's psychology...

Dan and Asuma having a conversation
Asuma: Aren't you Dan?
Dan: Yeah, and we're both dead. Seems like we are bound by a jutsu that resurrects us to the living world.
Neji's dad: What's going on?
Asuma: I have a bad feeling about this...

Kabuto: Won't you bring the white-black Zetsu?
Madara: Zetsu will look after Sasuke. Besides, you might kidnap him in the middle of the war.
Kabuto: Hmph.
Madara: The hundred thousand Zetsu will move from underground. The sheer amount would stand out too much otherwise.
Kabuto: Then let's go too, shall we? First...

Byakugan guy fled. Anko remained. Anko hid among bushes, but was spotted.
Kabuto: Sen'ei Tajashu! (Hidden snake-arms jutsu)
Anko: Ditto
Deidara and Sasori are airborne on Dei's bird. They're with the Chuukichi guy and Ne of Konoha.
Chuukichi: It's there...
Deidara: So it's just like what Kabuto said. Three rats at two o'clock's direction.

Byakugan guy realizes the oddity.
Byakugan guy: Both of you, run! I will delay them here!

Back at the Shinobi alliance's
Some Nins talked about Gaara and whether he was capable of leading the squads.
Some Nins started bickering with each other, fighting about whose dad was killed by whom. In the middle of the commotion, Gaara's sand subdued them.

(Gaara gave an inspirational speech-no-jutsu. My translation won't do it any justice, so just wait for the manga.)

Kakashi noticed that everyone's face lit up.
Naruto managed to stack up the blocks without them crumbling down. Bee talked about the last training.
Raikage: We'll win this Fourth Great Ninja World War.
Tsuchikage: But of course!
Tsunade: Yeah!

The part about Gaara's Shinobi Address.
"Fighting for the benefit of one's country and one's village has continued from the First to the Third World War. Shinobis hurt and hated each other. This hatred lusted for power, and amidst this, I was born. I too, used to live among this hatred and power; I was a Jinchuuriki.
(everybody looked at Gaara)
"And I hated this world with passion. I wanted to destroy it, much like what Akatsuki is trying to do now. But a Konoha Shinobi stopped me.
(flashback to Naruto vs. Gaara and their handshake moment)
"He cried for me, his enemy... and he called the hurt me his friend. He saved me. We were enemies to each other, and yet we were both Jinchuurikis. There is no enemy among people who understand the same suffering.
"And now, here, there is no enemy among us, because we are fellow people who were made suffer by Akatsuki. There is no Suna, Iwa, Konoha, Kiri, or Kumo. What's here... is only Shinobi!
"If even after this, you can't forgive Suna (referring to the Shinobi earlier who bitched about his father being killed by Suna), then after this war has ended, you can take my head!
(said Shinobi was nonplussed)
"This friend who saved me is now being targeted by the foe. If he gets caught, then it's all over for this world. I want to protect my friend... And I want to protect the world!
"I am too young to do that alone. Which is why, I need everyone to lend their power!"

Click this link to read whole

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Naruto Manga 515 The Ware Begins!

English script by GhostOfMadara

Tsuchikage is taking the turtle island to the Shinobi Alliance place (I believe he's making it fly too).
Naruto says that things are weird cause the sky shifted again, and that the mission's over so he needs to go back to Konoha to wait for Sasuke in his attack.
Sasuke is still wrapped up with those bandages. He asks Zetsu if he's ready yet. Black Zetsu says not yet. White Zetsu says the next time he looks upon something, it will be as if he's in a different world and that it looks interesting.
The scouts sense Kabuto inside.

Kabuto says they need to extract info from Yamato before anything. But he says not to kill him before they can use him to strengthen the Zetsu.
Madara says he could easily use the Rinnegan Ningendou's technique to get the info but that Yamato would die from it.
A snake slithers onto Yamato's arms and bites his palms.
Madara says that it's a poison that can immobilize the Mokuton powers, and then calls Kabuto a (crafty) bastard for doing so much research on Shodai's cells.
Kabuto says its a remedy he made to suppress Hashirama's powers, and not to worry, that he won't use it on Zetsu.

Kabuto says that even without using Rinnegan, they can get the info they want with his truth serum and Madara's Sharingan.

Aoba and Motoi talk, Motoi says that it seemed they already arrived (to the Alliance location via Oonoki)
It's basically a meet and greet for everyone and they're grouped together.
Tsuchikage is talking to Mizukage about the situation, and about Kyuubi and Hachibi.
The kages and Shikaku talk about the situation, their forces, and other things.
Kankurou is the captain of the Ambush Squad/Battalion. He introduces himself to Sai and Omoi. Sai greets him and wonders what nickname he should give him. Omoi wonders if someone as young as that should be a captain. There are also others.
Kakashi tells Gaara he's the regiment commander. Ao asks Shii if this is his first time in a war, and Shii says yes. Daru is the captain of the 1st Unit/Battalion. Tenten asks if he is their captain, and Chouza remarks that he seems pretty sluggish/listless (using a play on his name "darui", which means that)
Someone named Kitsuchi (yellow earth) is captain of the 2nd battalion/unit. Karui, Hinata (who says that she's nervous), and Kurotsuchi are part of it among others, and Kurotsuchi curses that it has to be her father who has to lead them.
3rd battalion has Hatake Kakashi as captain. Guy who's still collapsed is on his team. Lee asks if Gai is alright. Sakura asks what happened with him.
4th unit/battalion lead by Gaara, whose position is regiment commander and commanding officer. Has Chouji, Temari, and Shikamaru. They make some remarks (Chouji's is about food and Shikamaru is complaining about how much of a pain this is).
5th battalion/unit lead by Mifune. Has Kiba, Hana, Shino, and Ino and they make their remarks.

Kabuto: "First I have the Akatsuki (Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, Kakuzu, Nagato). Then the former jinchuuriki members. Then there's the 5 kages' once predecessors. The rest of them are skilled fighters who made a name for themselves" (Zabuza, Haku, Kimimaro, Asuma, Hanzou, Chiyo-baa, Gaara's aide, Neji's father).
Yamato was put to sleep by the Shodai wall/slime thing.
Madara: "Let's get this war started!"

(Remember that this is still a summary, not a word for word translation, though it gets all the important things).